What Happens in Philly When The Sun Goes Down!?!?

Who We Are My Name is Vladislav Solomakhin. Before having ever visited Philadelphia I talked with a girl who summed up her trip to Philly as getting catcalled on the streets and waiting in a long line to see a bell. I became a Journalism major at Temple University in 2015. After having lived in... Continue Reading →

The lifestyle writing of young journalist

Daryl Matthews has been in broadcasting for two years. Originally from Philly, he is the host of a segment called “The Feed,” an entertainment social media segment on Philadelphia Neighborhoods On TV, which is in it’s fourth episode with more to come . His ideal goal job is to work on E T.v as an... Continue Reading →


Homelessness can happen to just about anyone. To be considered someone homeless, someone has to NOT have a primary permanent place of residence. Staying in a shelter, hotel/ motel room, even crashing at a friend’s home for an extended amount of time considers a person to be homeless. While most people may think that being homeless... Continue Reading →

Urbex In Philly: Enter At Your Own Risk

In the last two decades Urban exploration, or as the cool kids call it, Urbex has emerged as a social media phenomenon. An entire global subculture has been created out of this activity. Thousands of social media accounts, dedicated to showcasing daring teenagers hanging off of cranes or doing backflips on top of skyscrapers, further... Continue Reading →

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